September Grief For Parents: When Kids Begin Kindergarten, University, or College

September is a month filled with mixed emotions for parents. As the summer fades away, it ushers in the start of a new school year. For parents, this transition can be particularly bittersweet, especially when their children are embarking on significant educational milestones like starting kindergarten or heading off to college or university. It's a time when the excitement of new beginnings is often accompanied by a profound sense of grief and loss. In this blog, we'll explore the unique grief parents experience during these pivotal moments and how they can navigate these emotions.

Kindergarten: The First Big Step

The Precious Early Years

The start of kindergarten is a major milestone for both parents and their little ones. For many children, it's their first taste of independence outside the home. As they step into the classroom, backpacks on tiny shoulders, parents can't help but feel a deep pang of grief. Their babies are growing up.

  • The Empty Nest: The house that was once bustling with the sounds of playing toddlers now feels quieter. Parents may find themselves missing the constant chatter and laughter that used to fill their home.

  • Loss of Control: Kindergarten marks the beginning of a child's independent journey. Parents may grieve the loss of control over their child's daily experiences, worried about how they'll navigate new friendships and challenges.

  • Time Flies: It's cliché, but it's true – time flies. Parents often reflect on how quickly their child has grown and mourn the moments that have passed by too swiftly.

While the grief of sending a child off to kindergarten is real, it's also an opportunity for growth. It's a chance for parents to celebrate their child's growth, independence, and curiosity. It's a time to support their budding social and emotional development.

Post Secondary: The Empty Nest Syndrome

Letting Go

When children leave for university, it's not just about sending them off to school – it's about saying goodbye to the daily presence of a beloved family member. The empty nest syndrome can hit parents hard during this time.

  • Loss of Daily Connection: Parents may feel an overwhelming sense of loss as they adapt to an empty home. The routines they once shared with their child are suddenly disrupted.

  • Worry and Anxiety: Concerns about their child's well-being, safety, and ability to navigate the challenges of college or university life can be a constant source of anxiety.

  • Identity Shift: Parenting is a significant part of many adults' identities. When children leave for university, parents may grapple with questions of purpose and direction.

Encouraging their child to pursue their dreams and supporting their academic journey is a wonderful way to stay connected. This time apart can also allow parents to rediscover themselves and invest in their own interests and aspirations.

As parents, the grief we feel when our children reach significant educational milestones in September is a testament to the deep love we have for them. It's a natural part of the journey of parenthood. Embracing these emotions and using them as a catalyst for growth, both for our children and ourselves, is a powerful way to navigate the September grief. Ultimately, these transitions mark moments of pride, as we watch our children spread their wings and become more of who they were meant to be.

Grief is a natural response to life's transitions and losses, but it doesn't have to be navigated alone. Therapy provides parents with a compassionate and knowledgeable guide on their journey through grief. It equips them with tools to understand, manage, and ultimately heal from the complex emotions that accompany these experiences. Seeking help through therapy is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step towards finding solace and healing during challenging times.

If you're deciding if individual adult or child or teen therapy in Olds, Alberta or Online in Alberta is right for you, feel free to contact us for a free 15-minute phone consultation and our therapists Nadia, Desiree, Ardelle and Kimberly. We’d be happy to hear about what is happening and answer any questions you might have.

Williamson & Associates

Williamson & Associates Individual, Couple & Family Counselling in Olds, Alberta, offering support and whole family care with mental health, trauma and relationship challenges.


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