The Advantages of Online EMDR Therapy

Advantages of Online EMDR Therapy

EMDR Therapy has received increasing attention in recent years for being a valuable trauma treatment with celebrities discussing their own experiences, and Prince Harry televising his own EMDR therapy session.

Maybe you have been referred to EMDR Therapy by a family member, friend or co-worker who shared their own EMDR Therapy healing experience with you.

EMDR Therapy has changed over recent years as a response to the coronavirus pandemic. Technology advancements have resulted in several EMDR Therapy digital platforms including ones promoted as a DIY service. Maybe you are wondering “Does online therapy even work?” “Is it a gimmick?” “Couldn’t I just do it myself at home?” So, let's look at how Online EMDR Therapy might support you on your healing path.

How Do I Know If Online EMDR Therapy Is For Me?

If you live with anxiety, depression, or PTSD, you know how much these conditions can affect your daily life and overall well-being.

For example, if you have PTSD, you may experience flashbacks, which occur when something reminds you of trauma and causes you to emotionally and physically respond as if it is happening right now. Flashbacks can be pretty upsetting. They can bring up intense emotions and make it hard to go about your life.

Maybe your past experiences prevent you from having a fulfilling life. You might sometimes feel gripped with worry or fear to the point that you can't stop yourself from behaving in specific ways, even if you know you're overreacting. Your reactions leave you feeling ashamed and emotionally drained.

It doesn't have to be like this, however, EMDR Therapy can provide relief. You can benefit from eye movement and reprocessing therapy if you have any or a combination of the following conditions:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

  • Phobias

  • Panic attacks

  • Depression

  • Childhood Trauma


  • Stress

  • Anger

  • Grief

  • Self-esteem

  • Underlying, chronic disease-related stress

  • Eating disorders

  • Alcohol and substance use disorders

EMDR therapy can help you break free from your past, manage and reduce your symptoms, and heal. So, let's look at how Online EMDR Therapy works.

Online EMDR Therapy might be a good fit for you if you have difficulty attending in-person sessions, live remotely, have a hectic schedule, want to avoid the time or stress of the commute, frequently travel, or prefer therapy in the comforts of your own home.

How Does Online EMDR Therapy Work?

Online EMDR

EMDR therapy short for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy focuses on reprocessing upsetting memories, feelings, and experiences. It uses bilateral stimulation like eye movements, rhythmic tapping, or tones in both ears to help change how your brain stores traumatic memories.

In the past EMDR Therapy was carried out in an office, face to face with a trauma therapist. The pandemic brought technological advances with the creation of platforms to facilitate Online EMDR Therapy sessions. You and your therapist would log into a virtual EMDR Therapy platform that complies with privacy health standards. You will be able to see your trauma therapist and they can see you. The platform can facilitate online eye movements by following a ball on the screen. You have the option of choosing the colour, size and speed of movement of the ball. There is an option to wear headphones to plug into your computer and you can choose between various sounds including a drum, bird, ping pong, metadrome and more.

Does Online EMDR Therapy Work?

Extensive research has been conducted by the EMDRIA International Association (EMDRIA), which supports the effectiveness and efficiency of Online EMDR Therapy. Positive outcomes included the testimonies of people sharing how they benefitted from Online EMDR Therapy.

Can I Do Online EMDR Therapy By Myself At Home?

Coronavirus revolutionized how therapy could be done at home with online tele-therapy. The advancements in technology allowed virtual online EMDR Therapy. A common misunderstanding is through these online EMDR Therapy platforms, you can practice EMDR Therapy at home, on your own using a mobile app. You need to be aware there are risks associated with attempting EMDR Therapy by yourself including: re-traumatization, intense emotional experiences from reliving the traumatic event, symptoms of dissociation worsening and ineffective results. EMDR Therapy requires a skilled, trained and experienced trauma therapist. If you have complex trauma, PTSD, childhood trauma, workplace trauma such as first responders or veterans, combat or war experiences, sexual assault or near-death experiences is not recommended to use EMDR apps on your own, at home.

While apps may offer relaxation exercises or meditation, they can't replicate the therapeutic process of EMDR. EMDR is more than just eye movements. It's an 8 phase process, which is what makes it such a comprehensive and effective therapy. Your therapist is your safeguard throughout the journey, prioritizing your safety and well-being. It is wise to proceed with caution when considering the claims of self-administered EMDR Therapy apps.

Online EMDR Therapy Can Transform Your Life

Break free from anxiety, stress, PTSD, panic, depression, grief and traumas holding you back from living the life you dream! Online EMDR Therapy is a valuable resource with your trauma therapist as your guide, supporting you on your healing path while in the comfort of your own home.

Online EMDR Therapy in Olds, Alberta

At Williamson & Associates, we understand how difficult it can be struggle. Our clinicians work with those experiencing trauma, anxiety, depression, grief, and much more. All of our therapists offer online counselling sessions, and our trauma therapists are trained in EMDR Therapy. In fact, EMDR Therapy is one of the favourite treatment methods among our trauma therapists. Along with working with adults, we can work with anyone in person at our Olds, Alberta location, or online with anyone in the province of Alberta.

How Williamson & Associates Counselling in Alberta and Trauma Therapy in Alberta Can Improve Your Life!

EMDR Therapy in Olds, Alberta can help you get to a place in your life where you feel peace, ease, freedom and lighter again.

Our therapists are trained in several evidence-based therapy practices such as EMDR, DBT, and more! Reach out today to get relief, and begin your journey with therapy.

See other posts about EMDR:

What is EMDR Trauma Therapy?

What Is Trauma? Trauma Therapy

Who Can Benefit From EMDR Therapy?

EMDR Therapy: Your Lifeline for Workplace Stress

Williamson & Associates

Williamson & Associates Individual, Couple & Family Counselling in Olds, Alberta, offering support and whole family care with mental health, trauma and relationship challenges.


The Consultation Call: Individual Therapy 


Who Can Benefit From EMDR Therapy?