Why Traditional Once-a-Week Therapy Might Not be Enough

therapy twice week intensive olds alberta

Many people think that therapy should be attended once a week, as it’s often considered the “standard” approach to counselling. But where does this idea come from? Is it based on insurance guidelines, or is it just the way things have traditionally been done? Is it a matter of convenience, or is it truly the best way to get the support you need?

The reality is that weekly therapy isn’t always the ideal solution for everyone’s mental health needs. If you’re reading this, you might already have a sense that this is true. Maybe your therapist has recommended twice-weekly sessions, or perhaps you’ve learned about therapies like Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP) or Eye Movement and Desensitizing Therapy (EMDR) that often require more frequent sessions. This may have left you wondering: Is attending therapy twice a week too much?

Deciding how often to go to therapy is an important decision, and the frequency of your sessions can significantly impact how effective the therapy is for you. While many believe that weekly sessions are the norm, the truth is that the best schedule depends on your specific needs and the type of therapy you’re undergoing. You may be curious if seeing your therapist twice a week is excessive. For some forms of therapy, such as standard cognitive behavioural therapy, once a week may suffice. However, for more intensive treatments, twice-weekly sessions might be necessary. Our therapists, who offer counselling in Olds, Alberta, understand the importance of tailoring your therapy experience. We follow evidence-based therapeutic models that suggest different frequencies depending on the type of help you need. In this blog post, we’ll explore whether twice-weekly therapy is too much, what a typical therapy schedule looks like, why your therapist might suggest more frequent sessions, and if there can be such a thing as too much therapy.

Is attending therapy twice a week too much?

therapy olds alberta

It’s completely okay, and in some cases, highly beneficial to see a therapist twice a week. At Williamson & Associates Counselling, we strongly believe that the frequency of therapy sessions should be customized to fit your individual needs for a successful therapeutic journey. Our therapists recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach to mental health counselling doesn’t meet everyone’s unique needs, and we are committed to providing the flexibility required to optimize your mental health.

Certain therapeutic approaches, such as ERP for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or EMDR for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), often require a more intensive treatment plan. In these cases, attending therapy twice a week allows for a more focused and comprehensive approach, facilitating a deeper exploration of your concerns and a more personalized treatment plan.

For example, in ERP for OCD, the goal is to confront and manage obsessive thoughts and behaviours. Having therapy twice a week for a few months can provide a more concentrated and effective approach to overcoming these challenges, often leading to quicker results compared to the traditional once-a-week therapy.

What is the normal frequency for therapy sessions?

Many people think of once-a-week therapy as the “norm,” but the field of psychology has long been asking whether weekly sessions are truly the most effective way to improve mental health.

The frequency of therapy sessions isn’t a one-size-fits-all model and varies depending on individual needs and the specific therapeutic approach. At Williamson & Associates Counselling, we emphasize the importance of tailoring your therapy to ensure the most effective and personalized treatment for your mental health goals.

Deciding how often to attend therapy is a collaborative process between you and your therapist. For certain types of therapy like ERP and EMDR, the frequency of sessions plays a critical role in achieving results. When more intensity is beneficial, twice-weekly sessions may be recommended. This increased frequency allows for a deeper exploration of issues, fostering a more concentrated and impactful therapeutic experience.

Why would my therapist want to see me twice a week?

Some therapeutic interventions, like ERP for OCD and EMDR for PTSD, may require more frequent sessions. In other cases, attending therapy more than twice a week might be beneficial, such as in couples and family therapy. Meeting intensively or more than once a week for Emotionally Focused Therapy Couples (EFCT) or Emotionally Focused Therapy Family (EFFT) can really speed up progress, especially when couples or families are in crisis or dealing with deep-rooted issues. Regular sessions help keep the emotional connection strong and reinforce the new, healthier ways of interacting that we're working on. This approach also allows us to dive deeper and get to the heart of the matter more quickly, offering the support needed during tough times.

Additionally, some clients may prefer more frequent sessions to experience relief sooner rather than sticking to the traditional once-a-week schedule.

Can therapy be too frequent?

Is there such a thing as too much therapy? While therapy is generally beneficial, finding the right balance is essential. Too much therapy can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially considering the work that happens between sessions. It’s crucial to work with your therapist to find the right frequency that supports your mental health without causing stress or exhaustion.

At Williamson & Associates Counselling, we prioritize finding a balance that fosters growth and healing without overwhelming you. Therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and the optimal frequency varies from person to person. What works well for one person may not be as effective for another. It’s important to recognize that your mental health needs may change over time, and adjustments to the frequency of your sessions might be necessary.

The potential downside of “too much” therapy is the risk of overwhelming yourself. Therapy involves introspection, emotional processing, and sometimes even homework, all of which can be emotionally taxing. Too frequent sessions might lead to mental fatigue, hindering rather than helping your therapeutic process.

Collaborating with your therapist

men therapy olds alberta

Open communication with your therapist is key to determining the right therapy frequency. Your therapist is there to guide you, and together, you can discuss what schedule best aligns with your needs and goals.

So, if you’ve been working with your therapist for a while and you like how things are going but feel like you’d benefit from more frequent sessions, it’s okay to bring that up in your next appointment. Therapy is a collaborative process between you and your therapist. Yes, they are the professional, and your therapist will likely suggest a specific therapy frequency when you start working together. However, YOU are the expert on YOU. So, if you have feedback, it’s important to share that with your therapist. Let them know if you’d like to attend therapy more or less often. They may have a clinical reason for the frequency they’ve recommended, but having a collaborative conversation allows you to make the best decision together.

At Williamson & Associates Counselling, your well-being is our top priority. We are dedicated to creating a therapeutic environment that promotes growth and healing without overwhelming you.

Counselling Near Olds, Alberta

When therapy is complete, you’ll find that the number of sessions you attended to reach your goals varies from person to person. The specific number of times you attended therapy or the number of sessions per week is less important than whether you are feeling better. Your therapist is there to act as a professional guide. They’ve done the research, taken the training, and seen how their techniques work with clients who have similar concerns to yours. Then, you are the expert on you. Together, you and your therapist can work to figure out how to best meet your needs so you can reach your goals. If you’re seeking effective therapy anywhere in Alberta, our clinicians are here to help.

At Williamson & Associates Counselling, our therapists value therapeutic relationships and the creation of individualized treatment plans based on evidence-based practices. We work with children, teens, adults, couples and families experiencing trauma, depression, grief, anxiety, and much more. We offer evidence-based treatments like ERP for OCD, EMDR, ART, Somatic Experiencing, Sandtray, Expressive Art Therapy for trauma, among others.

We offer both in person services at our Old’s, Alberta office, and can work with teens, adults, couples or families virtually in the province of Alberta. Reach out today via our contact form, or at 587-206-1600, and let one of our client care team members get you matched up with a fantastic therapist. Start your mental health journey with Williamson & Associates Counselling today!

Williamson & Associates

Williamson & Associates Individual, Couple & Family Counselling in Olds, Alberta, offering support and whole family care with mental health, trauma and relationship challenges.


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