Body-Focused Expressive Arts Trauma Therapy for Adolescents & Adults

Expressive Art Trauma Therapy Olds Alberta

Meet Nadia, an expert at Williamson & Associates in Body-Focused Expressive Arts Trauma Therapy for adolescents and adults. She has advanced training from the Prairie Institute of Expressive Arts Therapy, specializing in guiding individuals through safe trauma processing using creative approaches.

If you, your child, or someone else you know has experienced trauma, you understand how challenging it can be to find the right way to communicate those overwhelming feelings and memories. Body-focused expressive arts therapy at Williamson & Associates offers a safe space for youth and adults to express themselves and process their experiences in a natural and supportive way, bringing a sense of relief and comfort in their healing journey.

Body-Focused Expressive Arts Trauma Therapy for Adolescents & Adults: Meet Our Therapist Nadia

Meet Nadia Katasonova, a highly skilled therapist in Olds, Alberta, who is available in person in Olds, Alberta and virtually across Alberta. With a Master's degree in Social Work and specialized training in Body-Focused Expressive Arts Therapy from the Prairie Institute of Expressive Arts Therapy, Nadia is dedicated to helping teens, adults, couples and families heal from trauma. Her expertise in trauma therapy and expressive arts provides a safe space for clients to explore and process their emotions creatively. 

Our trauma therapist, Nadia's compassionate approach and extensive experience enable her to deeply understand and connect with those facing challenges, offering support and guidance on their journey to healing and personal growth.

Understanding Trauma in Adolescents and Adults

If you're a young person or adult coping with trauma you might feel overwhelmed by emotions like fear, anger, or sadness, often without understanding why. These feelings can lead to anxiety and depression. You may reach for food, alcohol, or substances for comfort or have difficulties in school and relationships. You might feel stuck or disconnected. You might find it hard to trust others or even yourself. This can be a highly isolating and daunting experience.

And when you are distressed, your loved ones will also likely feel it. Trauma can lead to misunderstanding, emotional distancing, and other harmful habits that undermine the stability and health of your family dynamics and other relationships.

Without the proper support, these challenges can persist into adulthood, impacting your ability to connect with others, reach your goals, and enjoy life fully. It's important to know you're not alone, and there's no shame in seeking help. In fact, it takes great courage to acknowledge the need for support and take the first step towards healing.

Why Choose Body-Focused Expressive Arts Therapy?

A supportive environment and the right therapeutic approach can make all the difference in your healing. Traditional talk therapy may seem challenging or overwhelming, making it hard to express what you're experiencing. Creativity and art provide an outlet for emotions that are hard to articulate. Body-focused expressive arts therapy can be beneficial, as it offers a way to express what you might not be able to put into words. It is a therapeutic approach that uses various creative activities to release pent-up emotions and engage your body and mind in the healing process, helping you process and heal from trauma.

dance therapy

This method recognizes that trauma can be stored in the body and uses a combination of body-centered approaches, art, and movement to facilitate healing. While exploring your creativity, you connect with your emotions and body in a way that feels natural, finding new ways to cope and building resilience.

Body-focused expressive arts therapy with oour trauma therapist, Nadia at Williamson & Associates helps you tap into your natural creativity, engaging your whole body and mind. It allows you to explore your feelings in a supportive environment and reconnect with yourself in a soothing, empowering way.

Expressive Arts Therapy vs. Art Therapy

Both expressive arts therapy and art therapy are therapeutic approaches that use creative processes to facilitate healing. However, art therapy focuses on using one particular art form, such as painting, drawing, or visual arts. On the other hand, expressive arts therapy draws from and integrates art, music, dance and movement, narrative, play, poetry, imagination, and enactment or improvisation, combining them with body-focused interventions.

Nadia's Approach at Williamson & Associates Counselling in Alberta

Navigating past trauma can feel overwhelming. At Williamson & Associates, Nadia understands how challenging it can be to find the right therapist to support you or your adolescent. Her approach centers on creating a nurturing, compassionate environment that fosters growth and healing.

Our trauma therapist, Nadia is dedicated to helping clients navigate feelings of uncertainty and disconnection by developing personalized therapy plans tailored to individual needs. She prioritizes safety and comfort in each session, ensuring clients feel heard and supported. By building a strong therapeutic alliance, Nadia helps individuals, couples, and families break free from persistent negative emotions and thought patterns.

Body-Focused Expressive Arts at Williamson & Associates Counselling in Alberta

To start with body-focused expressive arts therapy at Williamson & Associates, complete our secure intake form and our office manager will reach out to discuss your goals and assess your needs to tailor a personalized therapy plan.

Start Expressive Arts Trauma Therapy in Olds, Alberta

Feeling uncertain about how to start your search for the right therapist? Complete our secure intake form and our office manager with match you with one of our licensed therapists specializing in child, teen, and adult mental health, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationships.

Williamson & Associates

Williamson & Associates Individual, Couple & Family Counselling in Olds, Alberta, offering support and whole family care with mental health, trauma and relationship challenges.


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